Clark County Park District / National Trail Parks and Recreation District

Basic Bike Clinic

A Bike Clinic for ages 18 & older will be held on Thursday, January 30 from 6:00 – 7:00 pm at Cyclotherapy. Learn the basics of bike maintenance at this fun, hands-on indoor clinic. Boost your skills and confidence with expert instruction. Participants may bring their own bike. The registration fee is $8 and the deadline to register is January 28 or when full. For questions please call 937-328-7275. 

Groundhog Roundup

The Groundhog Roundup is for all ages and will take place January 28 – February 2 at Snyder Park and George Rogers Clark Park. Celebrate Groundhogs Day by searching for groundhogs representing different states. Download the Groundhog Day Roundup form from the Clark County Park District website. Search for the groundhogs hidden in the parks and check them off your list when you find them. Submit your form with answers and pictures to and be entered into a drawing for a prize. For more information call 937-328-7275. 

Reading Rangers:

Let it Snow

Reading Rangers is for youth ages 6-12 (with a caregiver) and will be held on Wednesday, February 5 from 1:00 – 2:00 pm at the New Carlisle Public Library. Learn the science of snow with stories, activity and craft during this free program. Registration is available online by going to or by calling the Park District office at 937-328-7275. Reading Rangers is held in partnership with the New Carlisle Library. 

Wild Creations: Art Fun for Tots & Parents

Wild Creations is for children ages 2-5 ( along with a caregiver) and will be held on Saturday, February 8 from 10:00 – 11:00 am at the Park Administration Building. This winter wonder’s art class is the perfect way to nurture your toddler’s creativity, and enjoy precious moments together. The registration fee is $7 and the registration deadline is February 5. Registration is available online by going to

Winter Tree ID Hike

The Winter Tree ID Hike is for ages 16 & older and is scheduled for Saturday, February 8 from 1:00 – 2:00 pm at George Rogers Clark Park. Find out how to identify trees by using their barks, buds and twigs during this naturalist led winter hike. This program is free. Registration is required by February 5 and is available online by going to ntprd.or by calling 937-328-7275.

Gentle Yoga

Gentle Yoga is for ages 18 & over and will be held on Wednesdays from February 5 – March 12 from 3:00 – 4:00 pm at the Parks Administration Building. The gentle yoga class will focus on slow, deep breathing, gentle stretches, and relaxation techniques as well as poses to strengthen and balance. This class will be accessible to older students and those with limited mobility, arthritis or osteoporosis. Please check with your healthcare provider about movements you should avoid. Charis will be available as needed. Students should bring a yoga mat, water bottle, and a firm blanket. The registration fee is $50 and the deadline to register is January 31. For more information call 937-328-7275.

Snowman Building Contest

The Snowman Building Contest is for all ages and takes place through February 14. Winter has arrived and it’s time to let your creativity shine in the snow. Show off your snowman building skills by crafting your most unique snow creation for a chance to win a prize. Once your frosty masterpiece is ready, snap a clear photo that captures its charm and personality and send it to

Setters Volleyball

Setters Volleyball is for youth in Grades 3 & 4. Get ready to bump, set and spike in this 7-week co-ed league designed for fun and learning. With adjusted net heights, age-appropriate volleyballs and modified rules, players can easily dive into the game. Practices and games take place on weeknights in local gymnasiums starting early March, with teams grouped by school districts when possible. Uniform shirts are included in the registration fee. Knee pads are required.The registration fee is $45 and the deadline to register is February 2. For more information call 937-328-7275. 

Slammers Volleyball

Slammers Volleyball is for youth in grades 5 & 6 and focuses on skill building and game fundamentals. Age-appropriate volleyballs, adjusted net heights, and traditional rally scoring to keep the game accessible and fun. Practices and games will take place weeknights at local gyms starting in early March with teams organized by school district whenever possible. Uniform shirts are included in the registration fee. Knee pads are required. The registration fee is $45 and the deadline to register is February 2. Registration is available online by going to or in person at the Parks Administration Building. For more information call 937-328-7275. 

Trail Hikers

Trail Hikers for ages 18 & older and is scheduled for Wednesday, January 29  from 10:00 – 11:00 am at the Kirby Preserve, weather permitting. These guided, self paced hikes allow you to explore our local natural environments. Wear hiking boots, all trails are natural. Hikers must complete a yearly registration form before their first hike. For more information call 937-328-7275. 

Clark Park Hikers

Clark Park Hikers is for ages 18 & older and held on Thursdays from 9:00 -10:00 am at George Rogers Clark Park, weather permitting. Take a hike through the woods and experience the beauty and camaraderie found in the great outdoors. Hikers must complete a yearly registration form before their first hike. Fore more information call 937-328-7275.