Mr. and Mrs. David C. Dean, 1564 Rutland Avenue, are the final Springfield Community Beautification Committee Home of the Week Award winners this summer, according to Chairman Marianne L. Nave. Co-Chairman W. Duane Sims and his wife Karen selected this winning property.
The CBC is conducting its 53rd annual Home Beautification Contest and the Home of the Week winners were selected from persons entered in the citywide contest. Judges will visit all twelve Homes of the Week on Sunday, August 26, when they tour the city to vote on the CBC Home of the Year for 2018. Results of the final judging will be
announced at the CBC Awards Presentation on September 30, at 2 PM, at the Courtyard by Marriott – Downtown Springfield.
Arlene and David Dean have a beautiful well kept home with colorful plantings around the entire property. They received a first year CBC Shield Award in 1997 and a Home of the Week Award in both 2001 and 2008. The Deans have earned Numeral Awards each year since 1998. They will receive a Numeral Award and a Home of the Week Award at the annual presentation program.
To enter a business suggestion for beautification recognition, send a letter to CBC Contest, City Hall, 76 East High Street, Springfield, Ohio 45502. Businesses along the periphery of the city will also be considered for special awards. Former CBC Home of the Year recipients and 2017 Home of the Week winners were not eligible to be nominated for Home of the Week this summer.