The $2.5 million interior renovation project at the historic A.B. Graham Building is expected to begin in September, relocating several Clark County offices to the Bushnell Building, 14 E. Main St.
Four Clark County offices located at the A.B. Graham Building – Auditor, Recorder, Treasurer and Tax Map Offices – and their 75 employees will be relocated to the Bushnell Building on Sept. 9, 2019.
The offices will remain open for business in the Bushnell Building until the project is completed. The portion of the building occupied by the Clark County Common Pleas Court Domestic Relations division will be moved to the Clark County Juvenile court.
The expected completion date at the A.B. Graham Building is June of 2020. The building was originally constructed in 1901.
The offices affected by the relocation will be closed for several days in early September to allow for adequate time to move operations to the Bushnell Building. More details will be released as specific dates are finalized.
The renovation at the A.B. Graham Building includes modernized electrical wiring, heating and air conditioning, fire suppression, plumbing and a new elevator to the make the building handicap accessible. The county recently replaced windows and made improvements to the exterior of the building in 2017.