BELLEFONTAINE, Ohio – The Ohio Hi-Point Career Center unveiled the new Dr. Sloan Smart Technology Center to community members, business, industry, and educational partners as well as local and state politicians Wednesday evening.
Dr. Sloan Smart Technology Center was created to address the growing industry needs in the district’s local communities.
“When the US 33 Smart Mobility Corridor was announced – directly impacting our communities from Marysville to Indian Lake and surrounding counties – we knew we had the opportunity to implement a one-of-a-kind career training space that we could teach the skills needed by the industry,” said Superintendent Rick Smith. “We are excited to host our Applied Manufacturing and Smart Technology Engineering programs in this state-of-the-art space next fall, focusing on autonomous vehicles, setting the standards for these types of programs around the state.”
Within the new space, students will work with industry standard equipment to develop the skills and earn industry credentials through a partnership with the Transportation Research Center and The Ohio State University. The program will also provide students the opportunity to gain college credit to area institutions like Clark State Community College.
Several community partners were involved in making the Dr. Sloan Smart Technology Center possible including the Dr. Sloan Foundation and Trustees; the project construction team consisting of Freytag & Associates, Thomas and Marker, Honeywell, Vaughn Electric, and Regal Plumbing; as well as equipment, curriculum, and design partnerships with Honda Transmission Manufacturing, Clark State Community College, the PAST Foundation, Transportation Research Center, Rittal North America, and the Ohio Hi-Point Board of Education and staff.
Ohio Hi-Point will welcome the first group of students in the Applied Manufacturing and Smart Technology Engineering programs next fall. High school sophomores can still apply to Ohio Hi-Point by visiting www.ohiohipoint.com/admissions.
“The Dr. Sloan Smart Technology center is the start of our vision for what we want to accomplishment with our proposed permanent improvement levy, which will be on the May 8 ballot,” said Superintendent Smith. “Our goal is to provide these types of learning environments for our career programs and academic classrooms on the Bellefontaine Main Campus as well as upgrade the equipment, technology, and tools within our district satellite programs.” finished Superintendent Smith.
For more information about Ohio Hi-Point’s permanent improvement levy and to read the district’s FAQ page, please visitwww.ohiohipoint.com/PI.
About Ohio Hi-Point
The Ohio Hi-Point Career Center develops our most valuable resource, people, by providing quality career-technical and academic education programs. Our High School and Satellite Divisions serve juniors and seniors from 14 partner school districts and offer more than 30 career training programs, while our Adult and Continuing Education Division has a strong focus on customized training, providing businesses the training needed to strengthen and prosper in the community.
The Ohio Hi-Point Career Center does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: Superintendent Dr. Rick Smith | 2280 St. Rt. 540 Bellefontaine, Ohio 43311 | 937-599-3010