USS to Offer Third Heart Strong Event at Enon Location

USS is partnering with the Clark County Combined Health District, Mercy Health, Second Harvest Food Bank and Villa Springfield once again to host a free event centered around heart health on Aug. 16 at 1 p.m. This event is open to the public and will be held at the USS Enon location. “We are pleased to offer this free event to the Enon community after the success of previous events held in other areas of the county,” said Maureen Fagans, USS executive director. “Heart disease is a leading cause of death in the United States and in Clark County, and this event is a great opportunity for people to learn more about their heart health and take steps to reduce their risk.” The Heart Strong event will offer a variety of activities and resources, including:
● Blood pressure checks
● Low sodium snacks and other nutrition resources, like the USS meal program and Second
Harvest Food Bank senior box program
● Pharmacy staff will be available for questions
● Educational sessions and resources on building strong cardiovascular health from local
healthcare professionals on several topics, including: contributing factors of hypertension
(such as medication compliance, sedentary lifestyle, lack of awareness of increased blood
pressure and symptoms of hypertension, etc.) and stroke awareness.

Attendees are asked to RSVP by Aug. 9 by calling the USS Enon Coordinator at 937-863-0043. This
event will take place at the USS Enon location, located at 7571 Dayton-Springfield Rd, Enon, Ohio.

For more information about Heart Strong, visit the USS Facebook page.
The USS mission is focused on enhancing the wellbeing of Clark County older adults by offering
quality programs and services that support active, involved lifestyles and independent living.
Providing more than 30 programs and services for our 4,900+ members and 4,000+ clients, USS is
proud to be a comprehensive center for services, activities, information, and resources. For more
information about USS, visit